Within the walls of a secret, high-tech and blood-magic military training facility masquerading as a snobby, rich kid school, Kheil Nazuret, the foreboding headmaster's hot-headed kid, seeks to prove their worth as a leader.
Their efforts to overcome a near total lack of social skills and their sire's unrealistic expectations uncovers a sinister plot that threatens their home.
Supercell is a story that distinctly revolves around Kheil's' character arc. But it wouldn't be inaccurate to also call it an ensemble cast. I'm often annoyed by a lot of Young Adult stories because it seems like the younger characters are alwas central to them for the sole reason that the adults they are surrounded by are completely incompetent. I wanted to take a different route and write a story where the adult characters that the kids admire are actually worthy of that respect while also forcing the kids to have to rise to those challenges.
I like to describe it as "imagine a magic school setting with the narrative cadence of Fullmetal Alchemist except everyone's a Digimon." The world building involves what I call "magically scrambled phenotype," wherein even though all the characters are the same species, they all get wildly different and unique designs.
I hope you enjoy the ride!